Join special guest Terek Weber of West Wind Sound Sessions in the Live True Sanctuary tipi for a musical healing experience. Lay back and let the vibrations and sounds of world instruments (singing bowls, gong, handpan, didgeridoo, etc.) wash your energetic body clean. Physical stress hormones like cortisol dissipate. Music is a tool of consciousness and in a sound bath, relaxation, rejuvenation and healing are the guiding hands, the intention and focus. Reach states typically only available to dedicated meditation practitioners. Let’s see through fear and reconnect to the voice of love in our being. Reconnect to the rhythm!
About Tarek:
“Music is deeply personal to me. As a young man it really pulled through for me. It was a quintessential part of finding healing, joy and freedom. After almost 20 years of playing I am so blessed to have found a medium that really allows me to pay it forward with the thing that helped me the most!
For the last seven years I have been facilitating live sound ceremony with world instruments. What a gift it is for me to be able to help others find what I found in music! This is my labor of love!”