Loving me, Loving God
Loving Me, Loving God
By loving me, I am loving God.
I imagine that God created me and gets to live within me—to experience what it feels like to be me. So when I love myself, God feels what it’s like to be loved. When I am kind to myself, God experiences kindness. And when I am critical or hurtful to myself, God feels that, too.
In the New Testament, John 14:17 says:
“Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.”
God dwells with me, in me. There is no separation… only divine union. This means my relationship with myself is my relationship with God. How I treat myself is not just a personal act… it’s a sacred act. The way I think and feel about myself doesn’t just affect me…God feels it too. That loving awareness makes me want to live better.
When I surround myself with higher-frequency energies, I feel more connected to myself… and God gets to feel that higher frequency along with me.
When I withhold love from myself, I am withholding it from God. And this extends to others as well. They, too, have God within them. By showing love to others, I am showing love for God.
When I embrace myself fully, I allow God to experience love through me.
The more I am kind to myself, through my words, actions, and the way I care for my body, mind, and spirit, the more God feels treated with
As I honor myself, I honor God.
The more I love me, the more God feels my love.
The more I love God, the more I love me.
The more I lovingly serve myself and others I lovingly serve God.
How does knowing that God dwells within you shift the way you treat yourself?
Have a beautiful day, friends. Keep loving yourself in how you show up every day, and you won’t just bless yourself—you’ll bless God and express your gratitude for Him.
I love you, and I love me.
Love, Raya ☀️