The Kingdom of Heaven is Within

Lately, I’ve been deep in contemplation about what God truly is to me. I’ve been trying on a new perspective—that God isn’t something to be found externally, but something we feel. That God reveals love through our experiences, through the way we receive and give love. Not as a distant presence, but as something tangible within—a frequency, a feeling… more accurately, a frequency of unconditional love.

That’s why there are many who don’t know divinity—because they haven’t been shown what it feels like to truly be accepted and loved unconditionally. We put so many rules and regulations on love in the carnal world. We often tie love to conditions, to performance, or to expectations that are rooted in fear and insecurity. “I’ll love you if…” or “I’ll accept you when…” These conditions are deeply ingrained in how we interact with each other, often without us even realizing it.

In this world, love is frequently seen as something that must be earned, something to be given or withheld based on behavior, appearance, or actions. But divine love doesn’t operate this way. It’s not contingent on us meeting certain conditions or achieving specific outcomes. Divine love is unconditional, boundless, and freely given. It has no judgment, no agenda, and no strings attached.

Many of us have been taught that we must prove our worthiness to be loved, but the truth is, we are worthy simply because we exist. The very essence of God, which is love, exists in each and every one of us. When we come to understand this, we begin to recognize that we don’t need to “earn” love—we just need to allow ourselves to receive it, to feel it, and to let it flow freely through us and to others.

Unfortunately, because we’re conditioned by a world that values conditional love, many struggle to feel this deep, unconditional acceptance. It’s why so many of us search for divinity outside of ourselves, seeking validation, approval, and love from external sources, when all along it has been within us waiting to be acknowledged. True divinity can only be realized when we allow ourselves to experience and express this love without reservation, to know it as our birthright and the core of who we are.

Love, the essence of God, is most profoundly experienced in our relationships. Every relationship serves a purpose, offering reflections of ourselves, fostering growth and learning. They aren’t coincidences, but lessons. By becoming conscious of our patterns and choosing to learn from them, we can shift away from behaviors that create pain, both for ourselves and others. Some relationships even provide direct experiences of God through the love we feel for and from another person; it flows through us, deepening our understanding of the divine.

But don’t stop with relationships with others—it’s just as important to nurture the relationship you have with ourselves. Through prayer, meditation, and solitude, you can truly feel divine love, not just as something reflected back to you, but as something already alive within you. And when we cultivate this love within, we start to recognize it more clearly in the relationships around us.

These connections act as windows into our own souls, revealing aspects we might otherwise overlook and offering glimpses of divine love. True bliss allows us to touch the essence of God. However, we often must navigate pain to discern what we no longer wish to choose.

We often seek fulfillment, connection, and God externally, yet what we truly desire resides within. The Kingdom of Heaven isn’t a destination; it’s a state of being within our own hearts.

This inner sanctuary, this spring of divine bliss, is often depicted as Shambala—a mythical hidden paradise in the Tibetan mountains, a dwelling place of God. But this sacred place isn’t geographically distant; it’s an internal reality.

Life is a cycle of beginnings and endings, a constant state of impermanence. It presents us with both joy and pain, but the key is to release regret. Every relationship, every experience, serves a purpose, guiding us toward a deeper understanding of our true nature and the love we are meant to embody.

When we cease seeking love and God externally, we begin to feel and create from the love within. This is a conscious choice: to move away from pain and embrace the purity of love.

Remember, what you choose not to change, you are choosing.

You are the artist of your life.

What you leave unchanged is the masterpiece you accept.

If the Kingdom of Heaven is within you, what kind of masterpiece do you desire to create?

Take a moment. Breathe. Feel into your heart.

What is it whispering to you?

I love.

Raya ☀️

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